Sunday, May 29, 2011

Closing Remarks

Hello Design 200,

I hope that your Memorial Day Weekend is / has been wonderful. I wanted to take the opportunity to do two things: 1) Remind you of what is still due and an update or two, and 2) Give some closing thoughts. I preemptively apologize if this gets a little long.

Part 01: Reminders and Updates
We have no class scheduled on Wednesday. This was done to give you a work day to get all caught up and have time to post everything that you have due.

Things that are DUE by 5 PM on Wednesday, 01 Jun: 
Journal 09: Personal Coleman Process Documentation
Journal 10: Reflection & Review of Design 200 as a whole
Reading Reflection 04: Haskett Ch. 9-10
Course Reflection 05: Covering Classes 17&18 (the final presentations)

Aside from the assignments listed above, I have completed all of the grading and posted these grades to Carmen. Please check it out. You will notice that I have also turned on a feature in Carmen that auto-tabulates your grades counting anything not turned in as a zero. I have done this to help you figure out what you may still want to complete. Carmen should be displaying what your final grade would be if you turned in nothing more. You are all adults and can do what you like with this information.

If you find that you have a zero for something other than what is listed above, then I did not see it for some reason. Please send me a direct link to clarify any of these that you feel may be a mistake. If you choose to do this, please DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. Send an email to with the subject "MISSING D200 ASSIGNMENT."

Final update, Please remember to fill out the SEI on SIS. You should have been receiving emails with directions to do this. It is very important that you do this because this is your opportunity to tell the department how much/little you loved this course and/or my instruction. With that, JOURNAL 10 is your opportunity to do the same directly to me and is the place to be more critical or specific to particular assignments. 

Part 02: Closing Remarks

I want to express to you all how much I have enjoyed the opportunity to be your instructor for Design 200 this quarter. I truly believe that we have had a great quarter together and thank you all for this. I have found this quarter to be a wonderful growth opportunity and hope that you all feel the same.

Obviously, I hope that in the past nine weeks you have all learned a bit more about Design, what designers do, and some of the larger topics that we consider during this process. These are some of the things that I set out to do this quarter according to the syllabus and stated course goals. I also set out to achieve more than just this, which I only stated to myself and had in the back of my head all quarter, and I will get into some of this below.

I hope that those of you that were all ready considering Design as a major or minor feel more certain and prepared for this endeavor. I hope that you realize that the point of my course was not so much about giving you tools to work with as much as it was about giving you a "library of information" to apply your tools to. I look forward to seeing the ways that you will contribute to Design and expand both as people and as Designers. I look forward to the contributions you will make to improving people's lives in big and small ways. I also hope that you all have decided that Interior Space Design is where you want to be when you do push forward with your design goals. ;-)

I hope that those of you who came into the course not quite sure of how this course might effect you have also realized the above. More than that though, I hope that you are now considering the roles that design may play in your life and the possible roles you could play in Design. While I would love to hear that you all are now planing a career in Design, I also know this will not be the case.

Those of you that will continue on your academic path without design a formal part of your curriculum, I hope that your experiences here will allow you to be the much needed bridges that design and the rest of the disciplines so desperately need. We in Design NEED people in every discipline who not only know what it is that designers do, but have also taken small steps to learn some of the language of design and how we may be able to work together to solve huge problems that our futures currently and will continue to face. Please know that I have high expectations for you to be these people.

For all of you, regardless of your design related decisions, I set out this quarter to deliver a couple of what educator Randy Pausch called "an under-hand pass." An under-hand pass is a lesson that a student learns without realizing that they did so. They are often larger life lessons… things that can be applied to life in general… things that an instructor feels are important outside of the course or discipline. I will try my best to outline these below.

Under-hand Pass 01: Time & Project Management

This quarter I intentionally gave you many assignments at the same time, with overlapping due dates. Most of these assignments on their own may have felt small, but added together they were a lot of work and a lot to keep track off. While I tried to give you tools to help keep track of these, life in general will not. No matter where your futures take you, I feel confident saying that life never really gets less complicated, it only gets easier to manage. There are no sure fire techniques to learn how to manage the complexity of your life and its many obligations, but you have to find ways to do it. I hope that this quarter has help you start down the path to learning how you will mange the complexity that you will face. It is an on going process, and the better you get at managing your time, tasks, obligations, and commitments, the more enjoyable you will find everyday. 

Under-hand Pass 02: Working in Groups

This quarter I intentionally asked you all to work in groups to varying degrees. I know that when I was an undergrad student, I generally viewed group work as an annoying constraint with the sole purpose of holding me back. As I have continued both academically and professionally I have learned that this view was only true because it was my perspective. I have learned that if I dropped this perspective in favor of one more open to the possibilities of working with others, that working in groups can net results that far exceed what I could have done on my own. It took me a while to get there, but I now know that if a team can be open, honest, and receptive to each other, it can be a really great way to work. After that…. learning to be the one that helps teams realize this or facilitates this perspective will get you very far. There are VERY FEW careers out there were working with others will not be a part of your day-to-day life. Learning to work WITH others rather than AGAINST them will be is skill you need, and I hope that these seeds have been planted this quarter.

Under-hand Pass 03: You Get Out What You Put In

Leaning is hard. I imaging that none of you remember this, but having witnessed it more recently as a parent, I know that you all worked very hard learning to walk and talk. You toiled endlessly. You fell. You made utterances that no one else understood. You got very frustrated, and then even more so upon realizing that no one but yourself knew how frustrated your were. You uttered more and fell more and you learned. Now you are all capable walkers and good communicators in your native languages, but it was hard. The only way that you succeeded was by putting in an amazing amount of effort. 

Throughout the quarter I have heard complaints or expressions of confusion surrounding the writing component of this course. Statements such as "It is not fair that I get the same grade as my peer who wrote 500 less words than me" or "So-and-so said they got the same grade as me, but I read their response and it was obvious that they did not read the chapter" were common. I understand that this might be frustrating. I do. Let me explain what I think of grades today. They have little meaning. They do not work to encourage learning, they only work to punish learning. 

Part of the extreme effort I asked for this quarter was to read things that we would not really talk about and to reflect on lectures that were pretty light on thought provoking content. I give every one the same grade in these types of activities because I feel that it is more productive to encourage you to keep trying, rather than punishing you for falling. Those of you who read every word, ruminated on lecture content, and spent time crafting thoughtful responses will learn to walk and talk like designers quicker than those that did not, but MY goal is to get all of you to keep trying. No matter what you are trying to learn… no matter what grade you receive from an instructor… learning does not happen with out effort from the student. An "A" does not mean that you have learned something. It only means that you have demonstrated some level of activity that is related to an instructors expectations. Every instructor has their own definition of expectations and how the grades line up with them, and they have very little correlation to your learning as a student. You all have to know and understand this concept. What you learn will be directly proportional to the effort you put toward it.

Under-hand Pass 04: Perspective Matters

Those of you who follow me on twitter may have seen me tweet the following statement a few weeks ago:

"Design is not about saying 'I can't.' It is about saying 'How can I?'"

I firmly believe this, and I think that it applies to life in general… not just design. I think that it applies to all disciplines. If I could be granted one wish for all of you as you move forward in life, it would be to remove the word "can't" from your understanding and vocabulary. It would be to have you all see this word… CAN'T… and have the statement containing it make absolutely no sense to you. 

Here is my call to action… I hope some of you have made it this far….

When someone in life comes to you and states "It can't be done" the first two questions you should responded with are 1) "Why can't it be done?" and 2)"What would have to be different to make it possible?" The answers will not always be easy, but they will be starting points for action. They will be they areas where you can innovate your respective fields. They will be the insights, questions, and notions that will provide you opportunities to grow and contribute. They may even be notions that will define your futures.

I wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors. 

Be open and honest to others, work hard, and in the words of The Mighty Mighty Bosstones… question the answers!

Thank you all for a wonderful quarter.

Gabe Tippery

Monday, May 23, 2011

Journal 10 (J10): Final Thoughts on the Course

Please write a response to the following question:

What did you think of the Design 200 course this quarter?

You may feel free to format this in any way that you like (sentences, bullet points, whatever). Feel free to comment on things you liked or hated or anything in between. I guarantee that your responses will have no impact on your final grade. They will only be used to make the course better. You can post these to your blogs, or email them directly to me.

Thank you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Journal 09 (J09): Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

The goal on this Journal Activity is to be supportive of your A05 activities. For J09, create a post on your blog that does all of the following:
  • Links to the blogs of all of your teammates on A05.
  • Reflects on the project as a whole. Wrap it up. What did your team work on? What decisions were made? How did the team work, both organizationally and personally? Etc...
  • Reflects on your personal contributions to the project. What roles did you fulfill? What did you bringt to the table/conversation? What do you feel you did well? What more could you have done to facilitate the project? General feelings on the project? Etc...
  • Post images of sketches you did, work you contributed, and anything else that will help you and your teammates remember in the future what your contribution was to the project.
The goal is to document the process behind your A05 project. By looking at all of the posts from each team member, a viewer should get a complete picture of the work and process that went into your final results on A05.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Journal 08 (J08): Media Reviews

Step 1: Pick a topic from the following list.

  • Design & Accessibility
  • Design & Color
  • Design & The Environment
  • Design like you give a damn / Design for the other 90%
  • Legal Issues in Design

Step 2: Find a minimum of 5 sources that relate to the topic you pick.

  • These sources can be just about anything; YouTube videos, blogs, news articles, books, websites, magazines, etc...
  • The two qualifiers are this:
    • It must be something that you can expose your blog reader to. So if it is a news article... link to it. If it is a YouTube Video... embed it in your blog post. If it is a book... link to it on a bookstore, library, or e-text website.
    • It must be something that you feel extends your knowledge of the subject beyond what we covered in class. This means that if you pick color... you can not link to an site that just explains the color wheel, but you could link to one that explore the relationship between complimentary color harmonies and reading retention. (I just made that link up, I do not know if there is a relationship or not.)

Step 3: Compose a blog post that does all of the following.

  1. Summarizes the topic you selected. This will probably be about a paragraph explaining why you feel the topic is important to design and summarizes the highlights from the corresponding class lecture that got you excited about the topic.
  2. Has a brief summary of EACH (all 5+) of the sources you collected. This should be sort of like a "book review" of the source. It should SUMMARIZE and SELL the source to your reader.
  3. Contains a way for the reader to get the source you are reviewing. Link to it or a place selling/loaning it, or Embed it.
  4. Presents all of this in an organized way. This means you may have to think about headings, bold type, depth of the source info, etc... Think of this like you are putting together a page to teach someone about the topic you selected.

Step 4: Post your blog! That is it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Agenda for today:
  • General announcements.
  • Sign the attendance sheet, if you do not, I do not know you are here.
  • Get into your groups and get working on A05
After 15-20 minutes, I will start coming around to all the groups to talk to each team about where they are in the process. This discussion will start with your team telling me the answers to the following questions. Your team should be prepared to answer these quickly and concisely. Think "elevator speech."
  • Who is coleman as your team sees them?
  • Who is the user your team is targeting?
  • Why does Coleman care about this user? How do you connect the user to Coleman?
  • What user need(s) are you addressing or what user problem(s) are you aiming to solve?
  • Why would Coleman be interested in addressing this need?
The questions can be answered in any order you like, but they all must be answered today. Only after answering these questions will I then listen to ideas of product, packaging, kiosk, or team issues, etc...
Coleman Example Presentation
View more presentations from Gabe Tippery.

This example is a sort of "middle of the road" example. It is good, but there are things that could still be better about it. All names have been removed for privacy.

For example:
  • the kiosk could have a bit more storage for product. Or they could have better explained where the additional product might be in relation to this kiosk.
  • the team could have SHOWN the user rather than just explained in text.
Things they did really well though:
  • Nice, organized story to their presentation.
  • Consideration for the packaging to have a continued use.
  • Overall visual unity to the entire proposal.
  • Good balance of showing their process versus their end results. They did not show every step of their process, but they explained where important ideas came from.
  • Really nice visuals and a realistic product, that also fit into a nice niche.
I hope that this example helps give you all a better idea of where this is heading.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Things you may want to be talking about...
  • What is Coleman good at? What themes of need do their products address?
    • Adventure, Safety, Shelter, Fun, Organized, Frivolous? maybe... maybe not. 
  • What do people expect from or value about Coleman?
    • What other user groups have these same expectations or values?
  • Who are Coleman's current users? 
    • What do they need in the home?
    • Who are tangential user groups?
  • Does the idea you have already exist? 
    • If yes, and Coleman is not who makes it, why would Coleman want to compete in this space? Is the space already highly competitive? 

Do not get too stuck on "we should design X" yet. Rather, it should be "we should solve X need/problem" or "Coleman is good at X, where in the home is this trait useful?"

Example tasks / questions to consider that you might want to be handing out / thinking about to prepare for next class:
  • Should we be looking up any info about our users? What do they look like? Who is in their home? How much do they make annually$? Etc...
  • Should we be benchmarking our product? Who else makes things like what we are thinking of? - Should we be setting goals to have X ideas on various themes? Etc...
  • How are we communicating before the next class?

Assignment 05 (A05) - Coleman for the Home

Coleman is the world’s leading manufacturer of camping gear and outdoor equipment, including tents, lanterns, stoves, coolers and sleeping bags. You have been tasked to create a concept proposal to launch Coleman into the HOME GOODS market. 

There will be three components to this proposal:
1) Conception of a new manufactured product.
2) Conception of the packaging of the product.
3) Conception of a small “pop-up” point-of-sale kiosk.

1) Form teams and exchange names and contact information.

2) Research and discuss what you think about when you think about Coleman products:
- Types of products.
- Types of users.
- Impressions of brand and products.
- Possible areas of the home they can expand into.

3) Brainstorm and Define:
The user your team  will be designing for.
- Who are they and what needs do they have that you can address?
The product type your team will be designing.

4) Ideation of the three parts of the project:
The product     The packaging The kiosk

5) Concept Refinements. Narrow the best aspects of your ideations  into one concept including each of the three parts. Remember to focus on the overall unity of the parts, as well as the intended user and the Coleman brand.

6) Finalize your three part concept and present it in the best way you can. Utilize your teams abilities and resources to produce visuals (sketches, collages, models, etc...) that tell the story of the user and their relationship to your product, packaging, and point-of-sale kiosk to the best of your team’s abilities.
Each team will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the class.

Presentation Order / Due Dates
Presentations will be in class Monday, May 23 & Wednesday, May 25.

As groups were determined through random card selection, presentations will be given in numeric order with Aces high. This means that on Monday, May 23, Groups 2-8 will present and on Wednesday, May 25, Groups 9-A will present.

Presentation Slides & Team Evaluations are due before class begins on your group's presentation day.
Turned in via Carmen Dropbox. One person on each team will be responsible for turning in the Presentation on behalf of their entire group.

As it was stated in the syllabus, A05: Coleman for the home is worth 200 of your final 1000 points. Here is how those points will be determined.

80 points
My evaluation of the group project as a whole.

50 points
The average of your team's Peer Evaluation of you individually.

10 points
Your personal completion of the Peer Evaluation of your team members.

40 points
The average of how your classmates evaluate the group project as a whole.

10 points
Your personal completion of the Group Project Evaluation of the teams that present on Day 01.

10 points
Your personal completion of the Group Project Evaluation of the teams that present on Day 02.

Journal 07 (J07): Peer Dialogue 03

For Journal 07 (J07) you will need to use the list of student blogs posted in the sidebar.

Over There: ----->

Go and look at your peers' blogs. At the minimum, you should be looking at the blogs of the students in your playing card face-value group. So... if you are a "Jack", at least check the blogs of the other "Jacks". Feel free to look at and respond to as many peer blogs as you like though. You may find like-minds or thinking that challenges your own outside your "face-value" group.

Create a blog post that respondes to your peers' posts. You should strive to review, reflect, respond, and perhaps even critique what you read. Do you like what you read? Does anything they posted make you think a little differently? Are you surprised by anything? Did someone have a reflection on course content that you had not thought about yet?

These are the types of observations and statements you should be striving to document. You are encouraged to comment on your peers blogs.

You are required to link to your peers' blogs. So if you are going to state something like, "I really enjoyed what so-and-so said on their blog about interior design being the coolest of the design majors..." you should provide a link to the post where they said whatever you enjoyed."

The point of this exercise is to begin to create a "dialogue" between the blogs. You should get in the habit of checking in with the other blogs and then thinking about how they affect or effect your understanding of both Design and the world in general.

DUE: Monday, May 16, 2011 by class time.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Slides for 2011-05-02

Another Eames video worth watching

Course Reflection 03 (CR03)

DUE: Beginning of class - Monday, May 9, 2011

There will be a total of five (5) Course Reflection assignments. They will all follow the same format. You are to create a post on your blog that reflects on the content presented in class during the previous four (4) classes. You should strive to show that you have given critical thought to the topics, lectures, films, and/or guest speakers during the given time period.

These do not need to be excessively long writings, but they should be thoughtful. What did you find interesting? What new ideas did the content make pop into your head? Are there interesting threads of inquiry or insight you are noticing? These are the types of questions you should be thinking about as you complete these Course Reflections.

CR03 should cover the content from Classes 09-12 (Apr.25-May 04).

Journal 06 (J06): Online Scavenger Hunt

Post all of the following items to your blog as a single post. Cite sources and provide links as appropriate.
  • Links to the websites of 5 manufacturers or retailers who specialize in outdoor camping and recreation products.
  • 3 images of trade show / exhibition booths from the outdoor recreation and sporting industry.
  • Links to the websites of 5 manufacturers or retailers who specialize in indoor home goods products.
  • 3 images of trade show / exhibition booths from the indoor home goods market.
  • A working definition of what an "indoor home good" is?
  • 3 images of different types of possible home goods.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Assignment 04 (A04): Letterform Seek & Find


This assignment is designed to develop your acuity to “seeing” your surroundings through a typographic form filter. The success of this assignment lies in your willingness to walk around and observe structures, objects and the spaces that lie between them in a way that could be viewed as a “letterform.”

Your assignment is to “Seek & Find” 12 of the possible 26 letterforms in the alphabet. Each letterform image must be captured using a camera and uploaded to your blog.

It is suggested that you use the highest resolution setting your camera is capable of capturing to obtain the best possible image. Consider a time when the lighting is strong. Also, a very steady shot insures clear focus, so it might be a good opportunity to learn how to use your camera’s timer and a tripod if necessary.

The creativity, composition and quality of your photo will be part of the evaluation criteria. You are also not restricted to shooting only outside, indoors can also offer opportunities in spaces such as cabinets, doorways, object shapes etc.


A camera from which you can extract images to upload to your blog is required. A cell phone camera is NOT adequate for the assignment.

Film cameras and disposable cameras are alternatives, but you are required to scan the photos before submitting them. Many of OSU’s public computer labs have scanners.
See for info.

If you do not have access to a camera, the I can sign a permission slip so that you can obtain a camera from Classroom Support.
See more information.

WednesdayMonday, May 09, 2011 on your blog.


Lecture Slides for 2011-04-25

[edit: 2011-04-26]Apparently there were some issues with the slide show...Download the PDF here: 06_Color_&_Legal.pdf[/edit]

Journal 05 (J05): Peer Dialogue 02

For Journal 05 (J05) you will need to use the list of student blogs posted in the sidebar.

Over There: ----->

Go and look at your peers' blogs. At the minimum, you should be looking at the blogs of the students in your playing card face-value group. So... if you are a "Jack", at least check the blogs of the other "Jacks". Feel free to look at and respond to as many peer blogs as you like though. You may find like-minds or thinking that challenges your own outside your "face-value" group.

Create a blog post that respondes to your peers' posts. You should strive to review, reflect, respond, and perhaps even critique what you read. Do you like what you read? Does anything they posted make you think a little differently? Are you surprised by anything? Did someone have a reflection on course content that you had not thought about yet?

These are the types of observations and statements you should be striving to document. You are encouraged to comment on your peers blogs.

You are required to link to your peers' blogs. So if you are going to state something like, "I really enjoyed what so-and-so said on their blog about interior design being the coolest of the design majors..." you should provide a link to the post where they said whatever you enjoyed."

The point of this exercise is to begin to create a "dialogue" between the blogs. You should get in the habit of checking in with the other blogs and then thinking about how they affect or effect your understanding of both Design and the world in general.

DUE: Monday, May 02, 2011 by class time.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Assignment 03 (A03): Hunting Down Design - Clues

Clue 01:
There are several places on OSU campus where you can find the Barcelona Chair. Take a picture of one of your team members sitting  in the chair, but still compose a good picture showing both you and the chair. Also note the name of the designer and something interesting about the chair or the designer in your comments.

Clue 02:
Find the Knowlton School of Architecture’s Library and explore the space noting the various chairs from design’s history. Pick a chair that you find interesting (not the Barcelona chair) and compose a picture of you in the chair reading a design-related magazine. In the comments, tell me who the designer is, something about the chair, and what magazine you are reading.

Clue 03:
Take a photo of one of your team members in front of a building on campus that was designed by Peter Eisenman. In the comments, tell me something interesting or controversial about the construction of the building on campus.

Clue 04:
A famous architect by the name of Philip Johnson designed the Sony (originally AT&T) skyscraper in New York City which is a great example of post modernism. He’s also responsible for two buildings on the Ohio State campus. Find one a get a picture of both the building and an architectural detail that you find interesting.

Clue 05:
Take a photo of one of your team members in front of a building on campus that was designed by local architects Acock & Associates. In the comments, tell me something interesting or controversial about the construction of the building on campus.

Assignment 03 (A03): Hunting Down Design

Design is all around us. Understanding and seeing this is an integral part of the design program at OSU. This project will give you a chance to find and explore a few of the area examples. It is a Scavenger Hunt.


Working in small teams (exact numbers announced in class), use the forth-coming “Snapshot Clues” to gather the required images and comments.

Upload the following to your blog as a single post:
  • Team Member Names with links to their blogs.
  • An explanation of the methodology and process, including any divisions of labor, used to achieve your end results as a team.
  • A minimum of five (5) clue photographs with the additional comments asked for in the clue.

To complete this assignment, it will be necessary to have the following skills and resources within your team, though the exact distribution of these skills is up to the team.
  • Access to a camera with which you can extract images in a digital format for upload to your blog.
  • Research and Problem Solving skills and resources.
  • Communication and Team work.
Grading & Evaluation:
Due on Your Blog by 11:30 PM on Monday, April 25.

This assignment will be graded out of 100 points as follows:

Clues: 16 pts. each  x  5 clues = 80 pts.
  • Included Image: 5 pts.
  • Included Comments: 5 pts
  • Image Composition: 6 pts.

Method or Process Summary: 10 pts.
Link to team members blogs: 10 pts.

Course Reflection 02 (CR02)

DUE: Beginning of class - Monday, April 25, 2011

There will be a total of five (5) Course Reflection assignments. They will all follow the same format. You are to create a post on your blog that reflects on the content presented in class during the previous four (4) classes. You should strive to show that you have given critical thought to the topics, lectures, films, and/or guest speakers during the given time period.

These do not need to be excessively long writings, but they should be thoughtful. What did you find interesting? What new ideas did the content make pop into your head? Are there interesting threads of inquiry or insight you are noticing? These are the types of questions you should be thinking about as you complete these Course Reflections.

CR02 should cover the content from Classes 05-08 (Apr.11-20).

Journal 04 (J04): Found Faces

Document as many "found faces" as you can this week. Found faces are faces found in objects that do not necessarily need a face.

They can be found anywhere... cars, faucets, clouds, etc... Keep your eyes peeled and your cameras ready.

Faces found on anything from the animal kingdom in biology do not count.

My Three Favorite Faces from Winter 2011
(in no particular order)

Monday, April 11, 2011

A fun link from one of your classmates.

Check it out.

Journal 03 (J03): Peer Dialogue 01

For Journal 03 (J03) you will need to use the list of student blogs posted in the sidebar.

Over There: ----->

Go and look at your peers' blogs. At the minimum, you should be looking at the blogs of the students in your playing card face-value group. So... if you are a "Jack", at least check the blogs of the other "Jacks". Feel free to look at and respond to as many peer blogs as you like though. You may find like-minds or thinking that challenges your own outside your "face-value" group.

Create a blog post that respondes to your peers' posts. You should strive to review, reflect, respond, and perhaps even critique what you read. Do you like what you read? Does anything they posted make you think a little differently? Are you surprised by anything? Did someone have a reflection on course content that you had not thought about yet?

These are the types of observations and statements you should be striving to document. You are encouraged to comment on your peers blogs.

You are required to link to your peers' blogs. So if you are going to state something like, "I really enjoyed what so-and-so said on their blog about interior design being the coolest of the design majors..." you should provide a link to the post where they said whatever you enjoyed."

The point of this exercise is to begin to create a "dialogue" between the blogs. You should get in the habit of checking in with the other blogs and then thinking about how they affect or effect your understanding of both Design and the world in general.

DUE: Monday, April 18, 2011 by class time.

Lecture Slides for 2011-04-11

Monday, April 4, 2011

Reading Reflection 01 (RR01)

DUE: Beginning of class - Monday, April 18, 2011

There will be a total of four (4) Reading Reflection assignments. They will all follow the same format. You are to create a post on your blog that reflects on the content presented in the required readings. The required readings are marked on the course Calendar during the suggested week that you should complete the reading. You should strive to show that you have given critical thought to and personal reflection on the topics and ideas presented by the author of these readings.

These do not need to be excessively long writings, but they should be thoughtful. What did you find interesting? What new ideas did the content make pop into your head? Are there interesting threads of inquiry or insight you are noticing? These are the types of questions you should be thinking about as you complete these Reading Reflections.

RR01 should cover the content from Haskett Ch. 1-6.

Journal 02 (J02): Found Patterns

AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Adam Foster | Codefor
Collect or document as many patterns as you can find this week. You may decide to use only patterns in nature, or human-made, or both. The method of documentation is really up to you, but photographic or pencil rubbings work particularly well.

Post your 10 favorite patterns to your blog with a brief descriptions of each. Include in your description when and where you found the pattern and what drew you to this particular specimen.

Assignment 02 (A02): Designer Investigation

Having a solid grasp on the history of design and the people who have contributed to the field is an integral part of the design program at OSU. This project will give you a chance to learn about designers that you are unaware of, or find out about the designers of something you may have seen before.

Spend time at both the ARC library and FIN library at OSU. Wonder around the many shelves and cabinets which are full of books on design and designers. Randomly pull out books and begin exploring. The key here is to slow down, relax, look, and read. There is no right or wrong way to go about this exploration. Think about pieces of design that you have liked and find out who was responsible for them. Check anthologies or current magazines for work that catches your eye. If you really have no idea where to start, there is a list of designers to get you started on the back.

Over the course of your exploration begin to locate three designers who’s work or life intrigues you in some way. Focus on a more in depth study of them. From this short-list of three designers, you will write a more in depth investigation on one of the designers and more surface level responses on the other two. Include your responses a summary of their life, work, and contributions as well as your own thoughts about their life, work, and contributions. Length is at your discretion, but remember you are in college now. Please include a few (2-4) examples of their work within your post.

Requirements & Evaluation

Due in on your blog by beginning of class, Monday 18, April.

3 Designer Responses, 2 short + 1 long = 100 pts.

Designer 01 - Short = 25 pts.
Completion = 20 pts.
Depth = 5 pts.

Designer 02 - Short = 25 pts.
Completion = 20 pts.
Depth = 5 pts.

Designer 03 - Long = 40 pts.
Completion = 20 pts.
Depth = 10 pts.

Included Pictures = 10 pts.

Cited Sources = 10 pts.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lecture Slides for 2011-03-30

Course Reflection 01 (CR01)

DUE: Beginning of class - Monday, April 11, 2011

There will be a total of five (5) Course Reflection assignments. They will all follow the same format. You are to create a post on your blog that reflects on the content presented in class during the previous four (4) classes. You should strive to show that you have given critical thought to the topics, lectures, films, and/or guest speakers during the given time period.

These do not need to be excessively long writings, but they should be thoughtful. What did you find interesting? What new ideas did the content make pop into your head? Are there interesting threads of inquiry or insight you are noticing? These are the types of questions you should be thinking about as you complete these Course Reflections.

CR01 should cover the content from Classes 01-04 (Mar.28-Apr.06).

Journal 01 (J01): Introduction Blog Post

This was covered in the post about Assignment 01 (A01): Blog Set-Up. I have decided to make this do double duty for the ease of math. Rather than have only 9 Journal Assignments, 10 makes each worth an even 20 points.

This means that A01 just got a little easier. If you get your Blog set up and registered, you will get full points for A01. Then, If you successfully get the posts described on the Assignment 01 (A01): Blog Set-Up post posted to your blog, you will get the additional 20 points for J01.

This is still DUE: Monday, April 04, 2011 by the beginning of class.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Assignment 01 (A01): Blog Set-Up

DUE: Monday, 04 April 2011 by the beginning of class.

Step 1: Set-up a blog on whatever blogging platform you prefer.
In order to complete this step, you will need an email address and an internet connection. Please choose a FREE service. There are many out there and there is no need to spend money on this.
Be aware that it is important to protect your identity on the web. It is up to you, but it the recommendation of both the university and myself that you use a screen-name when posting content to your blog.
Refer to the following post for more on how to do this: How to Blog

Step 2: Introduce yourself to the world.
Create a blog post introducing yourself. Write a bit about who you are, your interests, where your from, etc.. While it is not needed to include personal information that you are not comfortable sharing, do try to include things that will help your classmates relate to you.
For example: While I might not be comfortable stating that I am from Melrose, Wi, I might state that I am from a small, rural village in Western Wisconsin.

Step 3: What are you hoping to get out of Dsgn200 this quarter?
Write a short statement about why you are taking this course. What are you interested in within the design topic? What are you looking forward to so far? Are you intending to major/minor in Design? Are you just taking this for fun? Any concerns or reservations you have about the course? How did you hear about the course? These are the types of questions you might try to address.

Step 4: "Register" your new blog with me (the instructor).
Upon getting your blog set-up and activated, fill out the following form to let me know about it.

Welcome to Design 200: An Introduction to Design

Agenda for Class 01: Monday, March 28, 2010
  • Have a seat while everyone arrives. 
  • Be sure to get a card from the instructor!
  • Who the H* is this kid standing at the front of the room.
  • Card Activity
  • Syllabus
  • Assignment 01
If time permitting: